​We thanks for the generous supports from the following funding bodies.
Proof-of-concept grant from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (2025-2026)
Swedish Cancer Society, CANCER FOUNDEN, 2024, project grant (2025-2027)
Swedish Research Council, Consolidator grant (2025-2029)
IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forkningsstiftelse, 2024 (2024-2027) https://www.lundbergsstiftelsen.se/en/home/
Wallenberg Academy Fellow in Medicine from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (2024-2028)
Swedish research council, 2022 project grant (2023-2026)
Swedish Cancer Society, CANCER FOUNDEN, 2022, Junior Investigator Award ( 2023-2028)
Swedish Cancer Society, CANCER FOUNDEN, 2021, project grant (2022-2024)----https://www.cancerfonden.se/forskning
Åke Wiberg's Foundation (2021-2023)-----http://ake-wiberg.se/anslag-medicin
Linnéstiftelsen för medicinsk forskning (2021)
Beijerstiftelsen foundation 2020----http://www.beijerstiftelsen.se
Jeassons Foundation 2018, 2020
Petrus och Augusta Hedlunds Stiftelse, 2019, 2020
Göran Gustafsson's prize for younger researchers, 2019
Biträdande universitetslektor from Molecular tools program at Uppsala University 2018
Vleugel foundation 2018
Starting grant (MH) from Swedish research council (2019-2022)
International postdoc grant from Swedish research council (2017-2018)